The Administration has gone to Plan F
Bush Jr, as we all know, is quite shy about taking questions from an unsycophantic audience. That's why everyone was surprised when, after a speech to the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, he decided to open the floor to any and all.
The Daily Show on Comedy Central provided a good summary of the country's reaction [Link]. It is a sad state of affairs when we have to turn to a Comedy Channel for unbiased reportage. My favorite quote: "It's nice to see the President estimating casualties with the same inflection you use to guess the number of Jelly Beans in a jar".
But one can understand Georgie's reluctance to face hostile interviewers - as this debate between the 43rd President of the United States (G.W.Bush) and the Governor of Texas (G.W.Bush) shows: [Link].
The Daily Show on Comedy Central provided a good summary of the country's reaction [Link]. It is a sad state of affairs when we have to turn to a Comedy Channel for unbiased reportage. My favorite quote: "It's nice to see the President estimating casualties with the same inflection you use to guess the number of Jelly Beans in a jar".
But one can understand Georgie's reluctance to face hostile interviewers - as this debate between the 43rd President of the United States (G.W.Bush) and the Governor of Texas (G.W.Bush) shows: [Link].