Vela afternoon

Some stuff I saw: An indian wedding [link], Aamir Khan's cross-dressing act for Coke [link], A Jewish Duracell commerical [link], A mushy Nokia commerical [link], even a condom commerical [link]. And some homemade commercials - good [link] and not-so-good [link]. (Update: Nov 16: Russell Peters' desi standup routine [link]).
It reminded me of Carnegie Mellon, when I used to "surf" the internal network of student's publically shared hard drives. They had similar videos (especially the guys in the Film/Animation departments), awesome freeware, and a whole bunch of movies and MP3s. This was before big, bad RIAA came to campus, forced everyone to remove the movies/songs, took away their network access for a semester, and forced them to attend property-rights training classes (I'm not kidding)!