Black Friday Bargain Hunting
For all my loyal readers out there, here is a chance to "save" some money over the Thanksgiving weekend - or rather, on Black Friday, the day retailers finally start making a profit each year (i.e. head into the Black). Retailers typically offer selective product discounts on their in-store product offerings, and they advertise these on in-store posters, FSIs (Free Standing Inserts - those printed ads you see in newspapers) or junk mailed ads. Since all those media involve middlemen outside the company's control (e.g. printers, store employees etc), some of this information tends to get leaked onto the web. Or, at least, that's what this NY Times article would have me believe.
Anyway, three websites are currently offering Black Friday deal details:,, and I plan to go through the Best Buy, Comp USA, IKEA, Linens N Things, Radio Shack, Target and Wal*Mart ads for sure!