Top 10 Science Myths

True, and not just for a few minutes. A chicken can stagger around without its noggin because the brain stem, often left partially intact after a beheading, controls most of its reflexes.I have a vivid childhood memory of our poultry farm in Baghpat, UP, where a farm worker was beheading chickens for the daily "production run". He threw the headless chickens into a drum where they ran round and round in circles till they passed out and died (ostensibly) from blood loss. He would occasionally miss the drum, and Chicken Little would run in brownian motion all over the floor of the slaughter house (it obviously couldn't see where it was going). 2-3 farm hands would then chase after the headless chicken, catch it and throw it into the drum. I remember coming back home and refusing to eat non-veg for a whole week afterwards.
And here's another gem: Men think about sex every seven seconds [Link].