S.B. Phone Home
Dubya admitted to wiretapping US phones in the name of fighting terrorism last week. The NSA has been allegedly "tapping" into Internet traffic for years now, using Echelon. Meanwhile, India has its share of wiretapping allegations, with entirely different motives: political gain.
Sandip Roy on NPR has a funny take on Bushie's eavesdropping plans. He plays a conversation with his Bengali mother, peppering it with comments in English for the Bong-challenged NSA spook
Which set me thinking are the conversations between parents and their emigrated children. My own weekly tete-a-tete usually covers the following points:
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Update: Comedy Central conducted some serious investigative journalism to give us their viewpoint on the wiretapping situation [Link].
Sandip Roy on NPR has a funny take on Bushie's eavesdropping plans. He plays a conversation with his Bengali mother, peppering it with comments in English for the Bong-challenged NSA spook
Which set me thinking are the conversations between parents and their emigrated children. My own weekly tete-a-tete usually covers the following points:
- The Weather - In Delhi and Altanta; throw in comments about central heating/AC, snow, smog and monsoons
- My Love Life - specifically, whether I have found someone worth getting married to. This is discussed every week
- My Health - am I eating right, am I exercising enough, have I meditated this week
- My Investments - the Indian stock market, real estate prices, my loans
- How busy my sister is nowadays
- I should call more often
How does your conversation compare?
Update: Comedy Central conducted some serious investigative journalism to give us their viewpoint on the wiretapping situation [Link].