S.B. Phone Home

Sandip Roy on NPR has a funny take on Bushie's eavesdropping plans. He plays a conversation with his Bengali mother, peppering it with comments in English for the Bong-challenged NSA spook

Which set me thinking are the conversations between parents and their emigrated children. My own weekly tete-a-tete usually covers the following points:
- The Weather - In Delhi and Altanta; throw in comments about central heating/AC, snow, smog and monsoons
- My Love Life - specifically, whether I have found someone worth getting married to. This is discussed every week
- My Health - am I eating right, am I exercising enough, have I meditated this week
- My Investments - the Indian stock market, real estate prices, my loans
- How busy my sister is nowadays
- I should call more often
How does your conversation compare?